Family for Family

Family for Family

Would you like to be compensated for the countless hours that you spend taking care of a loved one?  It is true that it is possible that you could be eligible to be compensated for taking care of a friend or family member.  You too could be paid as a caregiver.

If you spend many hours caring for a loved one, there are options and programs available that can be used to pay family members as caregivers.  Many adult children wonder if they can be compensated for the countless hours that they spend caregiving for their aging parents. This is especially true with those family members who are caring for a loved one with long term illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Heart Conditions, and others.  This is dependent on many variables that impact whether a loved one who requires care is eligible for such assistance.  You could be eligible.  NAHC can help to determine if you are eligible to be part of this program and get paid as a caregiver.

Those who need specialized care include:

Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, Dementia, Diabetes, Heart Conditions, Paralyzed, Disabled, Eye conditions, Hearing impaired, and others.